Special thanks to Gérard Bélec and Liz Walsh for co-hosting the event and also to Amy VanTorre for her wonderful help during Nuit Blanche. I wish I could've attended ALL the amazing events in September and taken part in them, but until I master cloning, such was not to be.
Thank you to the Jammers who come out every month and make these events a success. Without you guys, we'd have a few scribbles on some napkins (maybe!) Thanks as well to the great staff at the Shanghai Restaurant who continue to support the Comic Jam and give us a lovely HQ from which to inflict our brand of creative humour on the world. You guys are ze best!
Enough blabbing. On to the Jam!
We were fortunate to have to following artists and writers participate in town last month: Liz Walsh, James Rule, Andrew Stutt, Amy VanTorre, Scott MacLellan, Gérard Bélec, Nick Latreille, Jesse Ward, Kaartik Agarwal, Trajena Healey, Tim Moerman and Marisol Eggleton. From the far reaches of Miramichi, NB, Clayton Jacobs, Suzanne Marsden and our youngest participant, Briar Anderson also provided artwork for the 'Backwards' Jam.
Remember the following artwork can be read either forward or backwards. The art itself was started from Panel 6 and artists had to figure out a fun way to tell the story of how the characters ended up there.
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