Upcoming Events

Please note bc of the ongoing pandemic, the physical Jam will not take place.

The Ottawa Comic Jam's next online meeting will occur:
Wednesday June 24th, 2020
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Via Discord

Theme: TBA
Contact: Sue
suebrainpower (at) gmail (dot) com
613. 501. 6862 / 613. 836. 7821
Also check out the Facebook group 'Ottawa Comic Jam' for event listings.

Other Events

The Ottawa Small Press Book Fair
Jack Purcell Community Centre
320 Jack Purcell Lane, Ottawa ON K2P 2J5
Room 203
June 27, 2020
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Admission FREE
Tables for exhibitors $25 full, $12.50 1/2

Ottawa Comic Con
Sept 2020

Jam Policy

Please note: This is a friendly, open group of comic enthusiasts. Hurtful or disrespectful comments during a jam, or purposefully creating insensitive or hateful artwork will not be tolerated. You will be asked to leave if you are disruptive or disrespectful to fellow jammers.

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

November 29th 2017 - Christmas Werewolf UPDATED

Werewolves of Christmas?? Probably one of the more unique themes we ever had :-D This coincided with my solo art show at the Shanghai Restaurant "Dragon Scapes". Thanks everyone who came out and gave me so much support that evening.

Thanks Clayton Jacobs for coordinating the Comic Jam that night with Liz Walsh assisting! Thanks to Scott MacLellan, Michael Thorne, James Rule, Andrew Stutt, Ifer Lawrence and Marisol Eggleton for sharing your creativity and enthusiasm for comics and cooperative creativity.

This Jam introduced one of the youngest people to join in our fun; my niece Kiara Marsden had her debut Comic Jamming with us last November. Brave, creative and irrepressible ('Where's the Stack'! I'm ready to draw!). The future is in good hands <3

Suzanne Marsden.


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