Upcoming Events

Please note bc of the ongoing pandemic, the physical Jam will not take place.

The Ottawa Comic Jam's next online meeting will occur:
Wednesday June 24th, 2020
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Via Discord

Theme: TBA
Contact: Sue
suebrainpower (at) gmail (dot) com
613. 501. 6862 / 613. 836. 7821
Also check out the Facebook group 'Ottawa Comic Jam' for event listings.

Other Events

The Ottawa Small Press Book Fair
Jack Purcell Community Centre
320 Jack Purcell Lane, Ottawa ON K2P 2J5
Room 203
June 27, 2020
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Admission FREE
Tables for exhibitors $25 full, $12.50 1/2

Ottawa Comic Con
Sept 2020

Jam Policy

Please note: This is a friendly, open group of comic enthusiasts. Hurtful or disrespectful comments during a jam, or purposefully creating insensitive or hateful artwork will not be tolerated. You will be asked to leave if you are disruptive or disrespectful to fellow jammers.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

August 28 2013 Ottawa Comic Jam 'Pulp Fiction'

Last August we held the Ottawa Comic Jam's first 'Pulp Fiction' themed event! Artists were encouraged to draw inspiration from pulp magazines, dime novels and the like. Also some artists and writers ran with the idea and riffed on the movie 'Pulp Fiction' and the idea of pulp itself (of the fruit variety!)

Thanks to those who came out to the jam and made the evening a load of fun: Suzanne Marsden, Clay Jacobs, Westin Church, Andrew Stutt, Mackenzie Baird, Mike Schnier, Larissa McKay, Scott MacLellan, Suze Shore, Liz Walsh, James Rule, Dan Villeneuve, Gisele Jobateh, Gérard Bélec, Jay Bird, Miles Rufelds, Andrés Proulx, Marissa Godwin, Mark Proulx and Sarah MacMillan.

Thanks also to Don Kwan and the great staff at the Shanghai Restaurant for making us feel welcome, taking care of our needs, keeping the lights up (!) and always having super artwork on the walls to help keep our art juices flowing. The music rocks too!


ottawacomicjam (at) gmail (dot) com


For inspiration, I brought the following along, in case any artists and writers wanted to pick a line and use that for their comic panel:

Ottawa Comic Jam Presents: PULP FICTION

1. “I am going to kill a man”

2. “They threw me off the hay truck about noon.”

3. “I first heard Personville called Poisonville by a red-haired mucker named Hickey Dewey in the Big Ship in Butte.”

4. “Well sir, I should have been sitting pretty, just about as pretty as a man could sit.”

5. “Anna Halsey was about two-hundred and forty pounds of middle-aged putty faced woman in a black tailor-made suit.”

6. “She had the face of a Madonna and a heart made of dollar bills.” 

7. “Sanity took a backseat while they drove headlong to disaster.”


Jack-Jack drawings by Suze Shore (c) 2013

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