I'm really looking fwd to getting a chance to scan the bulk of this artwork and posting it on an adjacent page that will be linked to the blog. There are some crazy gems in there for sure; including multi-jam pages by Dave Cooper, Marc Bell and Amy Lockhart! It's hilarious, I was talking with Clayton, and although we both have artwork in the packet, neither of us remembered drawing some of those panels (mind you, it's been 12 years!)
In any case, it has been a rare treat to see these hitherto, unknown pieces of work. It'll be a thrill to scan and post them as I have time.
That being said, if there are folks out there who were a part of the Original Ottawa Comic Jam (circa 2000) please fwd me your info and I'll do my best to update the links page to acknowledge your work. Thankfully much of the artwork has info on the back so I didn't have to do too much sleuthing to track down the artists (esp Nick Cross, Troy Little, José Pou and Mike Valiquette to name a few!) But there are a few mysteries yet to solve. Hopefully it'll all become clear in the end. In any case, I'll leave you with this wee teaser of things to come!
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