Upcoming Events

Please note bc of the ongoing pandemic, the physical Jam will not take place.

The Ottawa Comic Jam's next online meeting will occur:
Wednesday June 24th, 2020
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Via Discord

Theme: TBA
Contact: Sue
suebrainpower (at) gmail (dot) com
613. 501. 6862 / 613. 836. 7821
Also check out the Facebook group 'Ottawa Comic Jam' for event listings.

Other Events

The Ottawa Small Press Book Fair
Jack Purcell Community Centre
320 Jack Purcell Lane, Ottawa ON K2P 2J5
Room 203
June 27, 2020
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Admission FREE
Tables for exhibitors $25 full, $12.50 1/2

Ottawa Comic Con
Sept 2020

Jam Policy

Please note: This is a friendly, open group of comic enthusiasts. Hurtful or disrespectful comments during a jam, or purposefully creating insensitive or hateful artwork will not be tolerated. You will be asked to leave if you are disruptive or disrespectful to fellow jammers.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

October 30th 2013 HORROR Jam!

Tim Moerman's punishment if you
are bad (you are sent TO THE HOP!)
In celebration of all things terrifying, last October was our horror comic jam. We had a great time drawing scaaarey theengs n__n There was also chocolate and tasty desserts to enjoy, thanks to the Shanghai Restaurant and fellow jammers!

Thanks to those who came out and made the jam a success: Suzanne Marsden, Clayton Jacobs, Scott MacLellan, Westin Church, JFC, Liz Walsh, James Rule Gérard Bélec, Ifer Lawrence, Dwight Williams, Amy Van Torre, Tim J Moerman, Michelle Lamothe, Mark Proulx, Amber Stufko, Andres Cutillas, Cameron Bahen, Suze Shore & Andrew Stutt.

Thanks as always to the great staff at the Shanghai who take great care of us and who continue to provide a safe, creative environment to create and share artistic enthusiasm in a co-operative venture!
