Upcoming Events

Please note bc of the ongoing pandemic, the physical Jam will not take place.

The Ottawa Comic Jam's next online meeting will occur:
Wednesday June 24th, 2020
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Via Discord

Theme: TBA
Contact: Sue
suebrainpower (at) gmail (dot) com
613. 501. 6862 / 613. 836. 7821
Also check out the Facebook group 'Ottawa Comic Jam' for event listings.

Other Events

The Ottawa Small Press Book Fair
Jack Purcell Community Centre
320 Jack Purcell Lane, Ottawa ON K2P 2J5
Room 203
June 27, 2020
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Admission FREE
Tables for exhibitors $25 full, $12.50 1/2

Ottawa Comic Con
Sept 2020

Jam Policy

Please note: This is a friendly, open group of comic enthusiasts. Hurtful or disrespectful comments during a jam, or purposefully creating insensitive or hateful artwork will not be tolerated. You will be asked to leave if you are disruptive or disrespectful to fellow jammers.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

August 29th Comic Jam, Going Ape

The August Ottawa Comic Jam had a great bunch of folks out at the Shanghai, this time enjoying the theme of 'Going Ape'! Everyone had a blast drawing monkeys, King Kong, apes, simians and of course gorillas in tutus. It was one of those evenings...

Thanks to Don at the Shanghai for making sure we were well taken care of and extending our 'Comic Jam' table until we hit the back wall. If people wanted to escape, we had to Tetris them out of there, which was a laugh n__n.

Also, thanks to everyone who took the time to attend the jam and share their creativity and humour:  comic and animation artists, writers, animation teachers, students and enthusiasts. There is nothing more fun than collaborative art-making, in my opinion, and every time the Ottawa Comic Jam group gets together it just reminds me of that even more.

Thanks to: Clayton Jacobs, David Pike, J.F.C., Liz Walsh, James Rule, Andrew Stutt, Scott McClellan, Susan Shore, Peter Adamakos, Dwight Williams, Amy VanTorre, Gérard Bélec, Marisol Eggleton, Tim Moerman and Westin Church!

Remember that THIS WEEKEND is the Nuit Blanche with the 'Nuit de le Jam' or Jam night at the Ottawa School of art with Gérard Bélec and Amy VanTorre, hosting from 7pm - 7am! Also, this weekend is Can-Con in Kanata. Get out and get your art and nerdly enjoyment cooking!


Hope you enjoy the offerings...